Why Men Are Easily Manipulated By Andrew Tate

If you don’t know his name, you’ve definitely seen his face before. As of lately, he’s been showing up on every social media platform and is continuing to grow his audience. In my personal opinion Andrew Tate is the new Tai Lopez of social media. Andrew Tate uses mostly the same marketing tactics as Tai, but he tends to push his unpopular views of todays societal norm. The first question you may be asking is “Who Is Andrew Tate?”. Andrew Tate is American-British former professional kickboxer and Internet personality. His rise to fame began with business scams, kick boxing, and tweets that held controversy with the Harvey Weinstein case. Despite most of the things mentioned, he is truly known for what many call his outdated and misogynistic views on gender roles in society.

So I think the big question is “Why Men Are Easily Manipulated By Andrew Tate?”. In order to really understand why men swear by him, we must look from the ground up. Out of all the skills Andrew Tate may have, the only important skill he has mastered is marketing. In many ways marketing is manipulating the public into purchasing your services. There are a lot of psychological factors that go into marketing. For example, understanding consumer behaviors is a key factor that falls into the psychology of marketing.

Consumer Behaviors

  • Reveal what consumers think and how they feel about various alternatives (brands, products, etc.)

  • What influences consumers to choose between various options

  • Consumers’ behavior while researching and shopping

  • How consumers’ environment (friends, family, media, etc.) influences their behavior.

4 Types Of Consumer Behaviors

Complex Behavior: This type of behavior is encountered when consumers are buying a luxury type of product. They are committed to the purchase process and consumers like this research before committing to a high-value investment.

Dissonance Behavior: The consumer is committed in the purchase process but has difficulties determining the differences between brands. ‘Dissonance’ occurs when the consumer worries that they will regret their choice. There is a slight doubt before they purchase your product. They may buy that product, but then research after if this was the right product to purchase.

Habitual Behavior: This consumer is characterized by the fact that they have very little commitment in the product or brand category. For Example: you go to the store and buy eggs, but do not care for the type of brand being sold. You are exhibiting a habitual pattern, not strong brand loyalty.

Variety Behavior: In this situation, a consumer purchases a different product not because they weren’t satisfied with the previous one, but because they seek variety.

I would say personally that Andrew Tate’s consumers would be the complex behavior type. The products he offers have no true value, due to him not having true credibility in anything he offers. He recently has a course he sells called “The Hustlers University” which teach you how to invest. This would be considered a luxury type of product. A luxury item is classified as: an item that is not necessary for living, but it is deemed highly desirable within a culture or society. Luxury items tend to be sensitive to a person's income or wealth, meaning that as wealth rises, so do purchases of luxury items. You may be asking how this falls into the complex behavior, but these are the people willing to research before purchasing. This means that their eyes are easily manipulated into purchasing a product or image being sold to them. These buyers see how Andrew talks confidently, how he dresses, the girls he flexes, cars that he shows on social media, and they become easily manipulated into thinking this makes anything he says legitimate.

5 Ways Andrew Tate Manipulates Men

Money: Andrew Tate always talks about how much money he has, and he has even made claims to be a Trillionaire. Usually once someone hears key words like millionaire or Trillionaire the average person tends to believe them.

Clothes: His clean cut image, always smoking cigars makes you visually associate himself as someone “important”. You will notice in most high end businesses, all the employees are clean cut. This is to indicate you are in a high valued space.

Mansion: He always mentions his Mansion in Romania. Just like when you hear the word millionaire, your mind next goes to mansion.

Girls: He always talks about being polyamorous which manipulates the men who always have a fantasy of being with multiple women. He states this is one of the behaviors of true masculinity and being “Alpha”

Services: He makes you believe he is fighting against the grain of todays society saying that masculinity is under attack. This is a type of manipulating behavior to suck you into thinking he is a man of service, as opposed to someone who wants your money.

Note: it has been proven he was in fact scamming people. Hustlers University is a Multi Level Marketing Scheme.

If you watched several of Tate’s videos, he constantly talks about Living in Romania. Compared to the United States, Romania is 48% cheaper to live in than the United States. Romania is the CHEAPEST European country to live in. The U.S dollar is worth more than the Romanian Dollar. To those who are not financially literate, this makes Andrew look like he is a trillionaire! For 200k in U.S Dollar you can get a mansion in Romania with no problem. For example this is like an American going to Thailand who makes 40k bragging about their house. If the U.S Dollar is more expensive it is EASIER to live in than Romania. To people financially literate, we are not impressed by this.

All in all Andrew seems to make smart financial decisions like living somewhere cheaper. Him and His brother originally acquired money by scamming sex workers on “Myfreecams”. Where he had 75 cam girls working for him, with a business plan to benefit off of 30-40% of their pay. Let’s not forget to mention him and his brother were accused of sex trafficking these women, which you can read more about here.

Although another key word trend to follow is labeling someone a narcissist. Could Andrew Tate be a narcissist? If you read the symptoms below you will see he even fits the criteria, and these people make the best con men. Don’t take my word for it, you can read this Harvard research here. If you have fallen for what he stands for, it’s safe to say you’ve been manipulated.

They Symptoms Of A Narcissist Are

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance

  • Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

  • Belief that one is special and can only be understood by or associate with special people or institutions

  • A need for excessive admiration

  • A sense of entitlement (to special treatment)

  • Exploitation of others

  • A lack of empathy

  • Envy of others or the belief that one is the object of envy

  • Arrogant, haughty behavior, or attitudes

Andrew Tate preys on the men who think “nice guys finish last”. His idea of masculinity is warped. He believes masculinity is under attack in todays society. The type of people who watch Andrew Tate are sexist, misogynist, and are in fact beta males. One characteristic a true Alpha male would have is the ability to think for themselves in order to lead. In fact to look up to someone like Andrew or to admire someone like this would be signs you are easily manipulated, and are in fact what Andrew would call “Beta”. The type of people who watch him are the same guys in high school who would do anything to just “look cool”. I’ll close this article with this last statement. If Andrew Tate was truly “Alpha” he wouldn’t feel his masculinity being attacked. A true Alpha is someone confident in who they are and can not be swayed.


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